Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Hair Loss?

Genes responsible for hair loss make follicles vulnerable to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). At a certain stage in our lives, the follicles fail to grow normal hair thickness, resulting in thin strands of hair that give the effect of overall thinning hair. Later, the follicles cease producing any hair at all, leading to baldness. Your hair care methods do not cause hair loss, and products marketed as baldness cures have a limited ability to replace your balding spots with new hair. And when you stop using them, the results stop, too.
Fortunately, hair transplantation can replace your hair with sufficiently good results. It is the only proven method that gives you functioning hair follicles, allowing you to enjoy your new hair with confidence.

Do products like Minoxidil and Finasteride provide the same results as hair transplantation?

Minoxidil and Finasteride can reduce hair loss and at times improve growth, but neither can give a bald individual a full head of hair like a hair transplant.

Who is a candidate for hair transplantation?

Other than being in good health, the only needed thing for hair transplant is that the patient has good hair density at the back and sides of the head.

Should young adults undergo hair replacement surgery?

Sometimes but not often, Patients who undergo hair transplants too early in life experience some of the worst long-term problems. Hair loss is a lifelong process, and if transplantation takes place too early, the practitioner may place the grafts too far forward on the head and the patient may later lose the hair behind his or her implanted hair.

Can a poor transplantation job be corrected?

Today’s new techniques have achieved a significant breakthrough benefitting many patients who are unhappy with the results of previous transplantation procedures — especially those who have older “plugs” — to improve the look and feel of their transplanted hair.

How much does hair transplantation surgery cost?

The cost varies according to the number of grafts required. For specific pricing, please contact our office.

How long does hair transplantation surgery take?

A transplantation of 2,000 grafts takes approximately 5 to 6 hours, including harvesting the donor area, cutting the grafts and implanting them. Dr. Haseeb conducts “mega sessions” of up to 3,000 grafts, meaning patients frequently receive 6,000 to 7,000 hairs at a time. This approach minimizes the number of surgeries required to achieve the desired result.

How much follow-up care do patients require?

Very little. Patient is given a spray to keep the grafts moist for a week. They are advised to avoid strenuous exercises, spicy foods for two weeks. They are also strongly advised to start washing their hair 48 hours after surgery. All patients get specific personalised post op instructions on the day of surgery.

What are the risks involved in hair transplant surgery?

Infection and healing problems are extremely rare in hair replacement surgery, especially resulting from follicular hair transplantation. Occasionally however, healing problems can develop in the donor area at the back of the scalp. These problems are more frequent in patients who have had previous procedures using the older plug techniques, which involved a significant amount of scarring in the donor area.
Some patients also report numbness in the donor area at the back of the scalp. In the majority of these patients, this symptom will resolve in a couple of months

Is the surgery painful? Is the patient under anaesthesia?

Most patients report minimal discomfort with this surgical procedure. Dr. Haseeb numbs the donor and recipient areas with local anaesthesia, similar to that given at a dentist’s office.
In the post-operative period, light medication can control any discomfort, such as feelings of tightness in the donor area.

Is there any pain after a hair transplantation procedure?

The procedure results in minimal discomfort. However, patients will experience a sense of tightness at the back of the scalp in the donor area.

What do the transplants look like before they start to grow?

Small scabs in the recipient area are common and generally present for 1 to 2 weeks. Over the next few weeks, most of the hair shafts will fall out. New hair shafts will begin to grow over the next 3 to 4 months. The final result will be visible in 8 to 10 months.

What does the donor site scar look like?

In the majority of patients who have not had previous scarring to the back of the scalp, or who have well-closed incisions from previous donor procedures, the scar will be completely hidden in the hairline.

How long does it take for hair transplantation patients to have their final results?

The grafts take approximately 3 months to begin to grow. Patients generally see their final results in 10 to 12 months.